Jones is an apricot male Teddy Bear Poodle. Jones is beyond what we could have ever asked for, and your heart may actually skip a beat when you meet him! He is gorgeous, affectionate, and a hundred percent in tune with his owners. Jones has proven to be extremely versatile, he is extremely intelligent, and is just overall impressive. He is an attentive companion with the other dogs, but his favorite companion is his human, which luckily is yours truly. He will lay outside my garden when I am working in it, accompany me on an afternoon or evening horse ride, happily snuggle with me on the front porch swing or on the couch on cold winter nights.
Jones pups have been impressive, to say the least truly taking on the best qualities of their magnificent dad.
Saddy is an elegant, gentle, playful, not to mention intelligent, Goldendoodle. We were fortunate enough to have Saddy join our family in the spring of 2019. She is beyond what we could have imagined. She is very friendly and affectionate to everyone, yet she is very aware of who her people are! What we observed most, is Saddy’s gentle and intuitive nature when we have school-age children, special needs groups, and preschoolers visit our properties. She is incredibly friendly, intune and gentle with them.
Saddy is a dedicated affectionate mom. When she had her litter of pups she would very rarely leave them and doted on them throughout the whole time they were with her.
Saddy is 24 inches in height and weighs about 55lbs.
Scarlett is a new addition and will be the mom to our future Irishdoodles. More information coming soon!
Miss Louise is a new addition and will be the mom to our future Bernadoodles. More information coming soon
Bluebelle is undoubted our Southern Belle! She is well-bred, beautiful, charming, and fun toy Aussie that came to us from BC.
Bluebelle is a very pretty girl and she knows it! She lays on the charm and gives us all the impression that we are lucky we are in our company.
She is a very expressive girl that will almost tell you a whole story when you have been away from her for a day. She loves to cuddle and has to be beside one of us most of the time. She is very playful, intelligent, and sweet-tempered.
Bluebelle is 13 inches in height and weighs 12 lbs and she will have her first litter of puppies in the spring of 2021!
Charleston is our stud for all of our small dogs. He is a Havapoo and has so much personality!
We chose Charleston for our breeding program to create distinct qualities by crossing him with the Aussies. For the nature of our program, which focuses on therapeutic breeding, we observed that a Poodle/Aussie cross would be too intense for what we wanted to accomplish. We wanted to produce calm, intelligent, easily trainable pups, so we selected Charleston and we are definitely thrilled with the outcome.
Charleston is just a perfect companion. He is everyone’s dog, ours, the neighbors, anyone who comes to visit. He is just as friendly as can be.
Charleston can sleep all day on our couch, or be out exploring with our children all day, running and playing outside. He is an exceptionally easy-going and happy dog and we are very happy to have him as the sire to these beautiful girls.
Charleston is 14 inches in height and weighs 14 lbs.
Is 22lbs, he is all Poodle. Versatile, intelligent and willing to please. He absolutely excels at obedience and is very eager to learn whatever we are willing to teach him. Tex is very social and he is willing to work with whoever is lucky enough to be with him that day. Tex pups have taken on his versatility and intelligence. We are very happy to add this addition to our program.
Is a 28lb first generation AussieDoodle she is one of our very own (Dixie/Charleston cross) and we cannot be more pleased with her. Slightly curious steady eddy, nothing phases her. She is an incredibly calm level headed gal. She is very happy cuddled up on the couch and equally willing to go on adventurous walks or hike. She is predominantly motivated to be with her people and she takes every opportunity to please us. She does well with all her 4 legged friends’ cats dogs horses. She is an incredibly attentive mother and her pups have proven to be versatile and excelled as emotional support pets.
Is a purebred Toy Poodle, 8lbs of princess; She is gentle, loves everyone, and her goal in life is to snuggle and be at our side. Everyone who comes to visit will get some true pet therapy and emotional support from our Tennessee. She is an incredibly doting mom and definitely believes in quality time with her pups. You will truly not be disappointed with one of Tennessee’s pups.
Is a 24lb first generation Aussie Doodle also one of our own (Daisy/Charleston Cross). Maryland excels at obedience and has a huge motivation to please. Maryland exemplifies exactly what we strive to achieve with our Dorenlee Darling Doodles, calm, intelligent, beautiful sound mind. Maryland is very content at whatever she is doing, playing cuddling working, she is truly a dream. We expect puppies from Maryland in 2023.
Lucy is our sweet-faced, loving, steady eddy lab. The Labrador breed is described as well-balanced and Lucy would be no exception to this description. She has bonded with the entire family, hired help, and really anyone that gives her a pat. She is highly food motivated and seems truly happy doing about anything, playing with her dog companions, napping in the sun, swimming in ponds, or getting a belly scratch.
Lucy is a beyond-dedicated mom and required us to make sure she was taking breaks to nourish herself. She is doting, affectionate, and playful with her pups. We feel very blessed to have her as one of our breeding moms
Lucy is 22 inches tall and weighs about 65 lbs. Her pups have gone to be service dogs, emotional support pets, as well as have made excellent family pets.
Daisey is a very sweet, even-tempered mini Aussie and she is extremely loyal to her people.
From the moment Daisey joined our family, she has had a special bonded with our eldest son, who is neurodiverse. She is intuitavely aware of his needs, and she is always at his side, whether it is playing soccer, walking to our ponds, listening to the stories he reads to her, or sleeping at his feet. She is a constant loyal companion for him.
Daisey is definitely on the calmer side of the mini Aussie spectrum. She is undoubtedly a beautiful gentle soul and we are blessed to have her as a member of our dog family.
Daisy has also proven to be every bit as dedicated to her pups as to her people. She definitely dotes on her pups. She has a quiet and gentle nature about her as she trains and nurtures them. She quietly lays where they are and always has them in sight.
Daisey is 17 inches in height and weights 20 lbs.
Dixie is the heart of our program! We call her this as she was the first to kick off our therapeutic breeding program. Dixie is true to the mini Aussie breed in that she can be described as a calm working dog. Dixie is on the calmer side of the mini Aussie bred. She is extremely intelligent and lives for the pure joy of being at our side. Her two biggest motivators are to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be (Our children, other dogs, cats, etc) and napping our couch! It is even better if her head is snuggled in our lap.
Dixie is an amazing mom! She is attentive and experienced. The part of puppy rearing we observe Dixie enjoy the most is playing with her pups when they get to be about 4 to 5 weeks. It is a true joy to see!!!
Dixie is 17 inches in height and fluctuates between 37 and 42 lbs.
Caroline is a very intelligent and eager to please toy Aussie!
Devoted is the best way to describe our Caroline. She is devoted to us, her family, and very devoted to her puppies.
Once she had her first litter, she took her mothering job very seriously. She is actually quite devoted to our other dog’s puppies as well and she has officially become Auntie Caroline. Caroline will gladly babysit or guard anyone’s puppies, anytime.
She further shows her devotion to us, as she sleeps just outside our bedroom door, I think she thinks she is keeping us safe.
Caroline is simply a genuine, devoted, and intelligent girl who has the temperament to be trained to do almost anything.
Caroline is 10 inches in height and weighs 10 lbs.