We are committed to our dogs health and firmly believe that sound nutrition is a key step. For our breeding pets, we make fresh crockpot dog food that consists of fresh vegetables, squash, locally sourced free run eggs and wild game meat.

The advantage of this is:

Better overall health with the least possible allergens and no fillers.
Weight management and control
Healthy beautiful coats and strong teeth
With our puppies, we monitor and sit with each litter after mom whelps. We sit through the nights and days in shifts, ensuring the puppies are getting equal nutrition. This also reduces anxiety in our Dam’s, which means reduced stresses on our puppies too!

The second step in our puppies’ nutrition begins at the three week mark, when the pups begin to get additional nutritional supplementation, other than their mother’s milk. We take high quality puppy kibble that has been soaked in puppy milk replacement formula and offer it to our puppies and as the weeks move forward, we lessen the amount of puppy formula and add in other nutritional supplements, such as free range eggs, baked egg shells and flax seed.